Tuesday 16 October 2012

Two new competitions for you

Frugaller Forum and Win Prizes are giving away an £80 Amazon gift voucher. To enter, join Frugaller Forum then simply click the "thanks" button on the competition post  or join WinPrizes  and click the "thanks" button on their competition post or both - once you've done that, you will have several chances to get extra entries by commenting, tweeting and sharing. The competition closes on October 31st.
The next competition needs you to have a interest account. if you are new to it, you can read about comping on Pinterest here  - pay extra attention to the "Create a board" section, because that's what you have to do for this competition.
Claim are giving away a Nexus 7 8GB tablet. To enter, you will  need to follow the instructions here  and submit the form once you have created your board. The board theme is to be "Funny pet pictures" and a clever pop up picture on the site shows you exactly how to add them as a pinner to your board. Don't forget to add “Win Nexus 7 Tablet Contest www.thankyou.gb.com/WinNexus/ ”  to the description of every pin on your board. If you are as crazy about pinning animal pictures as I am (check out my "cuteness overload" board!) you are going to get seriously addicted to this one! The closing date is December 12th.

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