Tuesday 28 August 2012

Capture the Colour

I was tagged by Mumsee's Blog  to join in the Travel Supermarket's Capture the Colour competition. The task is to create a post including photos that illustrate the colours Blue, Green, Yellow, White and Red. So here goes.....


Just look at the colour of that sky! I'd call that azure blue  - hardly surprising since it was taken on the Cote d'Azur, in St Tropez to be exact. No,  I'm not  one of the Beautiful People - we were enjoying a family self catering holiday a few miles away in La Croix Valmer. It was taken a few years ago, on our 30th wedding anniversary - and in two weeks' time we'll be celebrating our 35th!


These beautiful parrots were flying freely around the grounds of the resort hotel of Xpu Hua just south of Cancun in Mexico when we visited it back in 2005. A beautiful hotel, wonderfully relaxing yet entertaining, with raccoons and coatis wandering freely around the grounds. Looking at the photos of that trip leaves me feeling sad though, as much of the hotel was destroyed by a hurricane a few years ago and it has only recently reopened.


Here is Xpu Hua again - the vibrantly coloured buildings housed the luxurious guest rooms, each with a hammock-strung balcony overlooking the nature reserve around the hotel. I believe every one of these rooms was flattened by the hurricane. I'd better move on to another colour before I get tearful!


Now we are moving on  to something more recent. In 2012, I won  a holiday to the beautiful, remote Bordubet hotel in Turkey.  I blogged about the trip at the time http://competitiongrapevine.blogspot.co.uk/2010/10/totally-terrific-turkey.html and loved the place so much that I went back again with my husband last year. And we still loved it - so much that we are going there again in a few days' time. On my first visit, I took a quick snap of this  beautiful white swan, and  I think this could  be just about the best photo I've ever taken.


Tucked away in the Chinatown area of Vancouver, on  a prize trip to Canada , we found this beautiful Chinese garden that reminded us of our years living in Hong Kong. A peaceful refuge in the middle of a busy city,  and this gorgeous shrub (acer? maple?  - you'll have to ask my husband that!) was a feature of it

The competition closes today, so you may not get time to enter, but just in case you do I am tagging:

2. my daughter Emma  http://www.mellowmummy.co.uk/

(Mark and Emma are both MUCH better photographers than I am)


  1. The competition closes tomorrow (29th August).

    1. Oops, I'll contact them all and tell them I'd misread the date. Thanks for letting me know.

  2. What a great place to stay, its natural ambiance, the flowers, the birds its awesome.


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