Thursday 8 September 2011

Two photos could win you £1,000

This is one of the more unusual photography competitions! The Memorial Awareness Board are running a competition called "Dead Art? Then and Now" which is open to people of all levels of photographic skill and experience. The task is to submit two photos....... of stone memorials. Yes, photos of graves, tombs and headstones! One should be from the past and one from the current day, to illustrate the "Then and Now" theme.

You can find  full details of the competition here and the closing date is 30 Sep.

A walk round a cemetery or churchyard will produce some very beautiful and moving subjects for your entry. My own favourite memorials are the simple paving stones in the Wordsworth Daffodil Garden in Grasmere, where there are stones laid in memory of my father, Edward France, and my friend Adrian Gothard.

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